Today, we celebrate earth day of our first born, Joshua Edward Miller.
Where has thirty years gone? The year 1990, at 3:15pm, he entered the world weighing 8lbs and 4oz. It's funny the things you remember. At that time, cameras were not a necessity and ultrasounds were not reliable. So, I rely on mostly memory of that day.
I remember the hot summer afternoon. I remember I was tired of carrying that big boy around. I remember there was little pain medicine offered or wanted. I remember the waiting room full of family members anxious to see if boy or girl would come forth. I remember those family members becoming frustrated at my husband because he kept them in suspense, even after Joshua was born. I remember the forty-five minutes that lapsed to repair the entry way that this big boy had torn. I remember it seemed forever before I could hold my baby.
Fast forward thirty years, and this all seems like yesterday.
It was yesterday that a teary-eyed mom dropped him off for his first day of kindergarten. Determined to eat breakfast in the morning with the big kid, he struggled with trying to manage his tray and his clipboard. Mom wanted to help.
It was yesterday that this brilliant little boy tried so desperately to be a part of the gifted music program, missing it by only two points. It was then that mom realized the "value" of gifted programs. I mean, how can two points determine if you've gifted or not?
It was yesterday that we would pack toys, snacks and games and head to work with mom because of school cancellation.
It was yesterday that we would take him to his first trip to Disney World, the first and only one without his little brother.
It was yesterday that I saw him becoming a man.
It was yesterday when his mom hurt him by not attending one of his orchestra concerts.
It was yesterday that mom accepted the fact that her future dentist wanted to teach music.
It was yesterday that we would sit at one of our final, frequent lunches together and he would tell me about this girl he liked.
It was yesterday that I moved to the side and became the other Mrs. Miller.
It was yesterday that I saw him and his wife carry some of the heaviest of burdens, none of which I could lift.
It was yesterday that his dad and I sat on the patio with his son and ate dinner.
Happy Birthday Joshua! I love you more than tongue can tell.